The Toughest Yet Most Meaningful Winter of My Life+ VIDEO
This winter marks my fifth up north. Hard to believe. It still feels like just yesterday that I was driving through Southern Finland on a July morning, alone in my red station wagon—Papu in the passenger seat and my houseplants crammed in the back—heading north to the little cabin that ended up rooting me here.
Honestly, I knew it from the very first days, and in these five years, not once have I regretted moving here. The houseplants didn’t make it (I don’t blame them—Arctic winters are tough on all of us, even those of us not originally from tropical climates), but Papu and I are loving life here more than ever.
This winter has been the toughest of all five.
There have been harsh winters before—I think the coldest it’s ever gotten (depending on who you ask, best or worst) was around -42°C. We’ve had snow piling up to a meter and a half, cars breaking down in the middle of nowhere, tow trucks called for the fifth time in a single season, burst pipes, freezing nights, endless firewood-hauling waltzes, and snow-shoveling sambas. You name it.
But this winter has been challenging in a different way.
It has had everything. Bitter cold and heavy snow—only to be followed the next week by temperatures hovering around zero and roads turning into sheer ice. Ice so treacherous that even locals, who have seen it all, can’t remember anything like this. There have been freezing snowstorms, yet strangely shallow snowdrifts, patches of forest floor peeking through, and plants and animals struggling because there simply hasn’t been enough snow to shelter them.
We felt it too, especially in the early winter, when the usual snowdrifts—normally piling up two meters high against the house—never came. Without that natural insulation, the cold wind from the lake had free rein, seeping straight through the old, drafty stone foundation. No matter how much we kept the stoves burning, the chill found its way inside.
I don’t remember the last time I was so cold, so constantly. It felt like the cold had settled into my very bones. At one point, on the verge of tears, I admitted to E. that I was just so tired of freezing.
And yet, despite winter’s mischief (not that it does it on purpose—I do know that), we chose this winter, of all winters, to mark one of the most important moments of our journey together.
At the end of February, we got married in the fells, in Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park—a place we’ve hiked, camped, skied, wandered, and roamed so many times that it feels like a second home.
So, on a regular weekday, with winter showing off its finest (meaning an icy wind and near-zero visibility), we stood there and got married. It was just us, the officiant, one close friend, and a stranger we met along the way—who, without hesitation, agreed to strap on snowshoes and climb a freezing fell to witness our moment.
The actual celebration won’t be until summer (I completely understand why no one would want to gather in our little cabin in the dead of winter), and even then, it’ll be a small, intimate gathering. It’s amazing to be able to shape such a moment entirely to our own liking—we got a beautiful ceremony embraced by winter, and later, we’ll have cozy garden festivities in the summer.
But first, let’s get through this winter!
Here’s my latest YouTube video, where I share glimpses of our winter life and a little peek at our wedding. So, settle in, embrace the snowy fell atmosphere, and enjoy—from the comfort of somewhere warm! 😄❄️
I’ve already started filming a new video, so see you again soon with that one! 😊🎥❄️
🖤 Sanna