Sanna Vaara

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Why I Live a Simple Life - VIDEO

I’ve been thinking about this story for a year now. People have asked about it, and I’ve shared parts of it verbally. But I wanted to tell it visually as well. Why did I move to Lapland, and why did I stay?

Like any story, this one isn’t simple. To turn it into a video, it had to be shortened, condensed, and simplified. But the main points are there, just as they are. I moved to Lapland because it was essential for my well-being.

At the time of the decision, I probably didn’t realize it—at least not consciously. Some wise voice inside me said that this was what I needed to do, and I’m forever grateful that I had a moment of courage to listen to that voice and go in the direction it pointed.

This is the most personal video I’ve made so far. Sharing personal stories with the whole internet is scary. But similar stories have given me the courage to express myself, which is part of the reason why I’m here now.

I hope this story reaches you if you’re in a similar starting point, wondering what to do. The story’s content and decisions might be different.

I hope you find inspiration, maybe even courage, to create a life that reflects who you are, whatever that may mean for you.