Sanna Vaara

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A time of snow frost and northern lights

Winter is holding on tightly, even though March is well underway. Last week, the winter’s cold record was broken in Tunturi-Lappi, with the Kittilä measurement station showing below -35°C. It’s not extreme for winter, but it sure feels cold. Just two days ago, the thermometer at home read -32°C in the morning. That kind of chill definitely makes your teeth chatter.

Cold weather brings clear skies. And the sky has been busy. There have been northern lights many nights, sometimes even early in the evening. So, while the horizon still glows with the red of the setting sun, the next light show begins to dance above it. At its best, a crescent moon graces the scene with its own delicate display, completing nature’s evening show.

I mentioned before that I’ve been "collecting" northern lights photos, actually series of them, so I can later put together a longer video. Capturing northern lights on video is really difficult, at least with my camera equipment, so the only way to make them move is by compiling a video from numerous photos.

To make one 10-second northern lights video that shows the movement of both the lights and the night sky, you need 500 to 1000 photos. That’s quite a bit of collecting, but lately, I’ve been able to gather a decent amount. The camera does most of the work, left outside in the freezing night to capture the movements of the sky for as long as the battery lasts.

The darkness is fading, and soon the northern lights collecting will come to an end, as the nights will be bright all the way through. We’re in the final moments now, the last chance to archive these beauties.

In addition to the cold, there’s been no shortage of snow. The depth must have surpassed a meter by now. It’s funny to see friends' and relatives' social media updates showing snow-free streets, sneakers, and even coltsfoot flowers. It’s easy to forget just how long Finland is and how different the conditions can be across the country. While the south may soon be warm enough for outdoor cafés, up here we’re still in the prime season for snow shovels, with no end in sight.

I have mixed feelings about the increasing light. We’ve already reached 13 hours of daylight (I just checked, and that’s accurate)! It brings energy and the urge to get things done, but it’s increasing so quickly that it’s hard to keep up.

The combination of the bright white snow and the dazzling sun has, at times, turned out to be a bad mix, as it’s started to trigger migraines for me. Not good. Sunglasses also cause them, so the situation is a bit tricky. I’m hoping my eyes and head will adjust with time. For now, they still crave darkness, which I sometimes have to create by hiding behind curtains and blankets.

We, along with the rest of nature, are trying to make it through the final challenges of winter. Spring has always come so far, and it will come again.

Wishing you a wonderful spring, if it’s already arrived in your part of the world. So nice to have you here 💛

 ♥ Sanna